Sunday, April 09, 2006

Slide Slide Slippity Slide

Just thought I'd share this funny story with ya'll. This picture was taken a couple winters ago looking down the driveway of the old farm house we used to live in. Here is how the story goes...

We had a lot of snow, then ice, then rain, then ice, then snow... you get the picture. The driveway ice was at least 6-8 inches thick - NO JOKE. Anyway, we had just had another ice storm. It was evening and I was coming home from work. I am not quite sure what made me think that I could actually make it up the icey driveway, but I tried. I made it all the way to right about the spot where the picture is taken from. The car spun a little and there wasn't anything to actually grip on top of the ice, so I parked it and hoofed it to the house. I changed into old clothes and boots and made the trek back down, but the car was at the bottom of the hill. Hmm... I thought. Keith must have come home from work and backed it down for me. He's such a gem. So I carefully picked my way down the icey hill and met the landlord at the bottom of the hill. "Where's Keith?" I asked. "I haven't seen him" she replied. Both of our eyes widened. "Then who backed the car down the hill?" I said. Her eyes got even wider! She said that she had seen it backing down, but didn't notice a driver. Uh, that's because there WASN'T ONE!!!! Oh horror of horrors! It was just as I had left it... shifter in 1st gear and emergency brake on. It slid a LONG way down... across the bridge (creek underneath) and must have had enough momentum to carry it a ways back on level ground. To this day, I count my blessings on this. If it had slid while I was getting out of the car, it would likely have run me over. If it had hit a bump it likely would have ended up in the ditch or in the creek. WOW!

That night, and most of the next day, Keith and I spent quality time with a pick-ax and a shovels chipping away at the thick ice on the driveway. We chipped out enough so the tires could gain traction on the gravel underneath.

When we left this home that we dearly loved... Our landlord said that she wouldn't rent it out over the winters anymore. It's too dangerous.

Another side note - about answered prayers...

The day before this ordeal I was admiring the springish weather. I prayed for some motivation to get out and enjoy the change of the season and get some exercise... low and behold the exercise from chipping away at all the ice was an answer to prayer. I remember telling God... "Hmmm.. that's not quite what I meant." Hey - he's obviously got a sense of humor!


Jemit said...

AWESOME! God is always looking out for you.

Jane said...

P3 read this aloud for us this morning. It is a great story. I think the boys especially liked it because it was about a car.