Sunday, April 16, 2006

This Mornings Coffee

"Indonesia is the home of the world’s largest lizard — the Komodo dragon — and this blend of Asia Pacific coffees bears its name. Spicy, herbal and earthy with a full body, each sip of Komodo Dragon Blend™ evokes the lushness of Indonesia."

Keith came home bright and early this morning, 2AM... (maybe it wasn't actually so bright at that time) sporting his first free pound of coffee from Starbucks. I'm not usually a fan of "Bold" coffees, but this one is actually quite tasty with just cream in it. If this is what lizard tastes like... serve it up! Not bad!

Have you ever wondered if there is a "right way" to taste coffee? Now that we are becoming "Coffee Snobs" at our house, we are in tune to the particular methods that should be used when tasting coffee. It's like Wine Tasting, only non-alcoholic. (Also for snobs) I found the following tips at

Ultimately, tasting is comparing and contrasting. Tasting only one coffee at a time does not create any context. But if you taste two or three coffees, you can compare them in terms of your personal preference, but also in terms of aroma, acidity, body, and flavor. (A tip: When tasting more than one coffee, always taste lighter bodied coffees first and work up to fuller bodied coffees.)

Aroma is the first hint of how your coffee will taste. In fact, most of your sense of taste actually comes from your sense of smell - which is why coffee can taste so satisfying and sublime.

Acidity, in tasting terms, doesn't mean sour or bitter; it's a lively, tangy, palate-cleansing property, ranging from low to high. Think of the range from still water to sparkling water, and you'll get the idea.

Body is the weight or thickness of the beverage on your tongue. Body ranges from light to full.

Flavor is the all important melding of aroma, acidity, and body that creates an overall impression.


Jemit said...

Well, I've learned something new already today!!! Keep it up..
But can I still get just a plain cup of Colombian coffee?

Jthemilker said...

You can, but that's not stepping out of the box you know.

Wendy said...

I cant wait to come visit the coffee snobs, and attempt to become one myself...there is just NO hope for Cory though...unless they have fruit smoothies or something...he does not like coffee!