Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Birthday Buddy

Happy Birthday
Birthday Buddy

Re-Re (a.k.a.) "Amanda" or "Mandy" is almost old now!

Ten snippets of Amanda's life:
  1. She was born on the day that Elvis died
  2. She was my Maid of Honor (Thanks)
  3. One of her famous quotes "Don't touch the rolls!"
  4. Men with belt-buckles the size of dinner plates are attracked to her.
  5. She once broke my middle finger because her candles stink!
  6. Despite what she says, she's still just a tiny bit sorry.
  7. She married a man who shares a birthday with ME.
  8. The first time I took her dancing, she finished every drink I started without my knowing and finally my friends pointed out to me that she was drunk! How did I not see that happening?!
  9. One time after a night of dancing, we got Cheesy Beaner and she barfed on my living room floor... YUK!
  10. She was Dairy Princess... just like me!

She is a fabulous person... I love her... and wish her the greatest birthday ever!!! Enjoy it Re-Re!!!

Trivia Question:

What does "Re-Re" stand for? Anybody know?

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