Friday, November 17, 2006

Half A Day... YIPPIE

Today I'm only working a half-day. So is pretty much everyone else in my office. Well, one of us is off, but the rest are half-dayers. Tonight is the employee dinner at Heinz Field. That should be a good time. This is the first time I've been afforded an invitation to the event. We have to have 5 years before we are invited. That's me! FIVE years here already! Wow. Looking back... it's been a rocky road. I've been through so many changes... so many bosses... so many co-workers. Things in our office are at an all-time high these days. I have the greatest boss. My co-workers are exceptional to say the least. We all meld together so perfectly. I love it.

My employer has been good to me over the past five years. I have been afforded much opportunity for education and positive change and work with some of the greatest leaders one could ask for... They took care of us when we moved away. Let me work from home - unheard of in my profession - and gave me a big raise ta-boot. God has really blessed me here!

So today I'm calling it short after lunch. I'm SUPPOSED to be getting a replacement for my cell-phone... a Blackberry. Yep - another improvement. My boss didn't even get himself one! WHAT?!! Anyway, once that conversion has been taken care of, I'm outa here.

I must make a short visit out to see Rene'e before she leaves for Maine. **Have a safe trip!** Then I'll scoot home to finish up some laundry. Not sure if I'll have time for delivery tonight or not. We'll see how the afternoon transpires.

Maybe I'll take my camera tonight?

OK - I've got to do some work!

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