Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Crazy Morning

I slept in! I hate that! I had plans for my early morning! Drat! This WILL NOT affect the rest of my day. Let me think back to the good things of the morning...

1) I showered last night so I was one step ahead already

2) Hubby shared a cup of coffee with me this morning

3) Our dove, who nests at the dining room window in the back of the house, came around front for a feast at the bird feeder near the front window. Crystal was ON FIRE!!! Keith said he thought she was going to bust through the screen. No - I don't think so, but she really did LOVE this birdy. She talks to it at both windows in a little chirpy voice. I so wish I could catch it on camera. It's adorable.

So there you have it... a late start, but not a bad one.

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