Thursday, July 12, 2007

Blasting Temptations

Yesterday a coworker brought a plate of brownies to the office after lunch. Everyone oooo'd and awwwww'd over them. You know the kind... with nuts and frosting! I could smell them... oh darn... here comes the temptation! I walked by and without touching them asked my other coworkers if they would kindly eat them all up fast so I would not be tempted. They laughed at the suggestion. I was the last to leave last night. There they were... still on the plate... calling my name. NO WAY - I tell myself. I wrapped them up and took them home to my Hubby. Yes, they rode in the car with me. I was smart enough to put them in the back where my fingers could not reach them.

It actually worked out good because my Hubby has been begging me to bake him a sweet snack lately, but it's just been way too hot to fire up the oven. He hasn't finished them yet, but he will today I suspect. I'm definitely not touching them... Far be it from me to thwart the efforts of this morning's workout.

I have a new rule for myself about ice cream. Actually it is about a month old and I'm doing well with it. I only eat ice cream on Sunday. Anyone who knows how much I LOVE ice cream, knows how difficult this is for me. There have been at least three times that I have reminded Hubby about the ice cream in the fridge if he's wanting a snack. His response each time... "No Honey. I told you, I'm just not going to do that to you." What a man!!!

Ah ha... I love this blasting temptation attitude. I wish it was always around. It's like my new friend and I hope it stays. I know it is the Lord's way of looking after me. You have to exercise those ears to hear the promptings of the Spirit... even when it comes to a plate of brownies. (or a bowl of ice cream) Thank you Lord. Let's do it again today!


Pearl said...

Hey Jenny,
Thanks for your comments on my blog! The Lord has really blessed me with some wonderful Blog Friends!
I hope you have a blessed day!

Jemit said...

I just wanted to say how proud I am of you..
Resisting temptations like you've been doing takes so much will power and spirit power.
And your marriage is blessed because you care to work at it. That's the key.. we can all take a lesson from you and Keith.

Jthemilker said...

Thanks Mom!