Sunday, July 08, 2007

Klean Prizes!

PediaScribe is hosting a contest and the prizes are Klean! You have to check the rules because you have to do more than just comment... you have to tell a story... Now let me start by saying that I'm not a "Mom" so I can't participate from that angle, but I certainly have a messy story about poop and it goes something like this...


I was 16, maybe 17 years old. I was exhibiting my sheep at the Farm Show. Looking back... those were the days. Anyway, I was on a quest to earn myself a half-gallon of the best chocolate milk there is... from Fisher's Dairy. To earn such a reward, I was washing cows... all 15 of them. Upon finishing I showered in one of those nasty fair-type showers and donned my last set of clean clothes. Fresh and smelling like a rose I tip-toed back out onto the wash-rack to kabitz with a friend there. I did not realize that a crowd was gathering in the area. Here a sneaky teenage boy (whom I could never get along with) had alerted all those in the near vecinity that he was about to pull a silly prank. I heard my name called and upon turning on my heel I met the sting of a 5-gallon bucket of water head on. Oh I was furious! The crowd roared! I proclaimed that I would "get him" and he ran. As I ran after him, I slipped in a fresh pile of cow manure, (do you have any idea how nasty that is?) and landed flat on my back. I was covered head to toe in it. Might this be my most embarrassing moment?! An older gentleman, holding his gut from laughing so hard, offered to spray me down with his pressure washer. I earned that chocolate milk that day... and enjoyed every drop of it as I drove home for more clean clothes.

1 comment:

Girl Gone Wild - BibleStyle said...

You're right...that was pretty gross..good luck on the contest!