Monday, September 17, 2007

Count Your Blessings Monday

This Monday I would like to count the blessing of Antique Friends. I was recently journaling elsewhere about Antique Friends. You know who they are... the ones that come into your life and spend years cultivating a relationship with you. They take interest in you... care about you... pick you up when you feel down... they look past your imperfections, and look out for your best interest. I have a few really great antique friends in my life.

Today I shall tell you about Rene'e. We are actually related, third cousins I think. None the less we have had some common interests and for that reason we have connected for a very long time. I'm ashamed to say that I have not spent enough time with her this past year. There have been a lot of changes in our lives the past couple of years and for that there has been a steady decline in our visits. BELIEVE ME... I would love to go back to the time when we crossed paths multiple times each week.

Rene'e has been a very generous friend. She kept Penny for me for years and also has let me claim her very own horse, Duke, as my ride. Although again I am ashamed to admit that I have hardly ridden him since last fall. The thought of that makes me sad. I miss it. A couple years back we went camping with the horses and that was one of the best times of my life.

We also have some mutual friends and family that are really important to us. Like her Uncle Ed was one of my best friends. His death several years ago was a tragedy in both of our lives! We still find ourselves talking about him and recapping the events of our time with him - especially at my wedding. I suppose you could say he's one of my Antique Friends even though he's no longer with us.

I regret that I have not spent enough time with Rene'e lately. With the fall season heavily approaching, I am craving a weekend retreat to her place. Maybe we would pick apples, go visit the Amish, build a bonfire, and spend some time in the barn with the horses and other animals... maybe even hitch the mules and go for a spin. Maybe we would make homemade vanilla ice cream served with her famous Apple Delight?! As luck would have it, I will get to see her this weekend. We are milking cows together and also have plans to go to a horse-show to watch. I'm so delighted to have set this time aside to enjoy her company.

So here's to Rene'e... my Antique Friend!!! And if you are reading this... Thanks for being one of the greatest friends ever. I appreciate all you have done for me and all you still do. I am very proud of you for what you are doing with your life right now. You will make a really awesome nurse because you care about people. You truly are a kindred spirit and I thank God that you are part of my life.

Ed and Rene'e 09/02/00

To participate in Count Your Blessings Monday, post your blessing on your blog and then head on over to Marci's blog at Down On The Farm to link up to share with us.


Marci said...

Oh yes, Jenny. Antique friends are truly one of God's best blessings. I have been blessed with several. Thanks for sharing.

I was thinking on your post about coupons. Have you ever heard of Daily Success? IBLP has listed the 49 commands of Christ in the Bible. You sign up for their free program and every week, they send you one verse that tells one of the commands. Then every day of that week, they send you an email with little reminders and helps for that verse. In Psalms 1 it says that if you meditate you will be successful. So, with all that in mind, maybe you should write down your tidbit you gain and meditate on it until you get the next one. Or pick one a week and meditate on it. Find other scriptures that go along with it. Find ways to put it into practice each day. Just an idea.

Jthemilker said...

I'm not sure I have tapped into that resource, so I will check it out. Thanks for the suggestions!