Sunday, November 04, 2007

Benezette, PA

Is there something wrong with a person who will drive 3 hours away just to jump out, snap a few shots, shop around a tiny store and then drive home? If you think that I was heading that way in search of Bigfoot - sorry. Not so. Although the recent news suggests that such a creature has recently been in that area.

It used to be that there were two places to stop in Benezette, PA... the Inn for a drink and the Store where you can get gas, have dinner, pick up supplies, souveniers, and get a shower... one stop shopping. I noticed that there are a couple additional spots to stop these days. There is an information station, a diner, and some sort of new campgrounds. We stopped at the lookout to take in the sights and at the store to pick up a little something for my pal Lizzie. I hope you like it! Sorry - no hints on what it is. :)

One can't miss the multitudes of sight-seers like ourselves who have congregated along the sides of the road gawking at the herd of elk. I can't help but wonder if they were all Bigfoot seekers??? Regardless, the bulls are so majestic and the cows are almost cute. Our pictures didn't turn out so great this time. Not sure what happened there.

If you want to read a little bit about this tiny town that could be missed if you blink as you drive by, check out this site. Turn up the volume so you can hear the "bugle" of the elk. I've been making an annual trek there since before I met my husband. It's always a joy to experience nature is such a way that is different than the norm.

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