Sunday, November 11, 2007

Oh What Fun!!!!

Dad and I took off on another excursion. I like having his company to and fro. I learn lots about times gone by and we laugh at funny stories... sometimes told over and over, but still always a hoot.

Goldie Locks (that's me) and Papa Bear drive six hours across the state, up into New York a smidgen and back down into Pennsylvania... we arrive amidst the mountainous region along the Susquehanna River. Six tiny feet shuffle out the door to greet us with shrieks and shrills of childish excitement. Mama Bear holding Baby Bear in the kitchen come quickly to greet us too. Papa Bear snags Baby Bear and hogs him all to himself... for most of our stay. (Those who know Papa Bear know this is not exaggerating!)

Yummy good food was devoured by all. Mama Bear made cinnamon rolls, jello pretzel salad, creamy chicken bake, homemade beef vegetable soup, and a buffalo chicken dip that was superb!!!

Yesterday morning there was snow on the ground. Nothing a little sunshine wouldn't dissolve. We had fun shopping and playing and cuddling too. We watched Narnia together yesterday afternoon. The kiddos recited the books of the New Testament and their memory verse and sang Psalms for us. Papa Bear took us to Cracker Barrel for dinner last night. It was really packed! Yumm-O. Baby Bear was a gem. The other three bickered amongst themselves most of the evening. Mama Bear was about ready to huff and puff and scold their socks off... but alas she remembered the families memory verse:

James 1:19-20
My dear brothers, take note of this:
Everyone should be quick
to listen, slow to speak and slow to
become angry, for man's anger does
not bring about the righteous life
that God desires.

Well... Much to Papa Bear's dismay, Mama Bear said that there would be NO ice cream for the naughty kiddos. I can only imagine what a sugar rush might have caused! HA! On the contrary, the kiddos were mostly very well behaved and maybe just a little over-excited to have visitors.

This morning the sun shined thru the bare limbs of trees covered with frost. We kissed the kiddos and bid them farewell. No snow there today... but we saw a little as we drove thru Clearfield, PA on the way home. Back home safe and sound now.

UGH - not looking forward to working tomorrow. I so love time off and never take enough of it. Next time I want to stay longer. I am delighted to be home with my Hubby. I missed him.

Enjoy the pictures...

1 comment:

Marci said...

Oh what fun!!!! I too am like Papa Bear. I am known as the baby hog!!! =) I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.