Monday, January 28, 2008

Clean Heart Devotional - Week #5

Am I the only one that prays the same prayer all the time asking God to forgive me for the same mistakes... over and over and over and over??? I think not.

I'm a lazy soul. I am lazy when it comes to diet. I am lazy when it comes to exercise. I am lazy when it comes to budgeting and sometimes when it comes to planning, cooking, laundry, and general housework. I am lazy when it comes to keeping up with friends. Above all this, I am lazy when it comes to spiritual discipline. I am L-A-Z-Y!!!!

While I'd like to think that I am a hard-worker, the truth is that my laziness consumes me more often than not. Sure, I work every day. I do some physical labor sometimes. I even have a policy to work before I play. I've patted myself on the back for many a days work. The truth is that I do not work hard-enough at what is most important. What are my priorities? Is not spiritual health much more significant than the all-mighty paycheck?

I'm ashamed to say that there are days when I am too lazy to give the Lord my full attention. My prayers are at times scattered or wandering. Sometimes I read the Word, yet I'm too lazy to take the time to dig for understanding. Then I pray... "Forgive me Lord for being so lazy. Have mercy on me for I am weak...."


Pearl said...

Hey Jenny,
This is so funny but my husband was so excited to see that you entered his giveaway for Home Depot. He recognized your name from my blog. It was so sweet to see him get excited.
This post could so be me. I am a hard worker, but I slack in so many areas!
Thank you for sharing your heart.

Marci said...

Oh Jenny I think many of us struggle in this area. Praise the Lord that His mercies are new every day. Keep on keepin' on. He is faithful!!!

A Good Kinda Crazy said...

Thank you for sharing your heart so honestly!

Bless you!

A Good Kinda Crazy said...

I've got the online reflections back up now that things are beginning to slow down a little here... hope you will continue on!