Thursday, June 08, 2006

This Weeks Tidbits

Whew! The week is flying by and I'm so far behind!

Monday came and went quicker than ever. I worked during the day. We prepped for some big meetings. I had the truck towed to the mechanic. It's going to cost me a small fortune, but I will be glad when it is fixed. Monday night I attended my ladies Bible study. Our discussion started with baptism in general. We also reviewed our reflections of our study of James 2. It was refreshing to meet with my lady friends on this note.

Tuesdays work included attending the quarterly department and general staff meetings. Do you ever wonder what this entails? It's a bunch of doctors getting together to talk about things that pertain to them. Much of it is about patient care and some of it is how to make their lives better at work. We review quality data to show how well we are doing with some of our ongoing projects for best care practices. We talk about the hospital and its future and those sorts of business topics. We had a Powerpoint presentation, which I was responsible for setting up and operating during the meeting. No biggie... I used to do that all the time before I went to Kentucky.

Wednesday was a wild and crazy day at work. There was a re-organization of our office. One position was eliminated. Ouch! I wish this person the best in her endeavors in finding another position and pray that it comes quickly and without much difficulty. This ordeal was a little uncomfortable in process, but things are ironing out now. We have all taken on additional responsibilities to make up for the gap. I was called upon to prepare the PowerPoint presentation for Thursdays meeting, which was like taking a step back in time for me. None-the-less, the work was done... and my credentialing work had to wait.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

It sounds to me like you are getting TONS done! Cant wait to visit at the end of June!