Thursday, June 08, 2006

That brings us to Today...


This mornings meeting apparently went off without a hitch. I had prepared all the materials and handed the presentation to my boss on a jump drive and he and my co-worker handled it from there. The first part of the day was mostly a bunch of bouncing around, but after lunch I finally was able to sit and work.

By 7 p.m. I had completed 3/4 of the work that I should have had done LAST Friday!!! I'm so behind!!! Tomorrow I will pull the rest together. When that is done I have a bunch of docs wanting temporary privileges, so I'll work on that a while. Sometime this weekend I will finish the prep work for Monday's Credentials meeting - which happens to be my deadline. I'll feel so much better when that is over! I think I'll take a day off late next week to make up for some of my OT during the week.

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