Saturday, June 30, 2007

Smart Habit Saturday

The Lazy Organizer hosts a weekly discussion about Smart Habits. Click on the picture to read more about it and join in on this worthwhile quest.
I was just thinking about habits this past week. I remember reading that it takes 21 days to make a habit but only one day to break it. Honestly though, I have been trying to convince myself that learning some new and healthier habits would be beneficial for me. So here it goes:

  1. Drink primarily water and lots of it.

  2. Exercise daily, even if it is short.

  3. Do something to relax, even if it is also short.

  4. Eat more vegetables.

  5. Clean one area of the house each day.

That's my top five for this week.

While I'm on this topic, I think I'll re-cap what some of my habits actually are:

  1. Snooze - daily - this is not such a good habit. (hubby taught me that)

  2. Feed the kitties - daily in the morning. (they love me for it)

  3. Check e-mail and blogs - daily in the morning. (sometimes in the evening too)

  4. Prayer/Praise walks - 5/7 days of the week in the morning.

  5. Devotions - daily - good habit.

  6. Drinking coffee - daily (what can I say, I live with a Coffee Master) - probably not the greatest habit to have

  7. Eat ice-cream only on Sundays (I would eat it every day if I would allow myself, but it sabatoges dieting efforts fast)

  8. Brush my teeth - daily 2-3x. Very good habit.

  9. Shower - daily. Also a good habit.

  10. Love on my husband - daily. Hugs, kisses, encouragement... etc.

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