Sunday, July 01, 2007

Blessings Monday

Marci over at Down On The Farm is hosting a weekly blogger post called Blessings Monday. (click the link or the picture to join in the blessings) Every Monday we will post about something that blesses us. Yes - I know I'm actually a little late getting this post up. I'm participating in a lot of Monday blogging events. Well... I confess I don't always do them all on Monday. Thank you Marci for hosting such a worthwhile discussion, and sorry that I am late in joining in on it. You are right... we have plenty to be thankful for. So without further adieu...

I am thankful for many things, but I will focus on just one for the purposes of this post... My Grandma. She blessed me more than anyone I know. This soft spoken woman encouraged me and prayed faithfully for me for all the days of my life, until she passed on a few years ago. She's the one person who called me "Jennifer" almost all the time, when other's addressed me in more casual terms. When I visited her, she would spoil me with rootbeer floats, veg-e-ta-ble soup, popcorn, cream puffs, chocolate chip cookies, and other sweet treats. She made carrot "wheels" some days and on others she made "mashed carrots" at my request. She was the maker of the worlds best mashed potatoes and one killer Sunday roast beef. She loved ice cream and always had it readily available to share with those suffering on a hot day. Many a day she sat on her swing in the shade sipping ice water and would whistle at this site of me... just a subtle way to let me know that she saw me in case I'd like to pay her a visit. She made the most of every fresh fruit and veggie that made its way to her doorstep. She loved to send snail mail and so do I. Somewhere along the way we nick-named her "Granny Snake" teasing her of having tatoos (she really didn't) and that she was a "Harley Babe." She must have loved the attention because she laughed along with us. Keith gave her a Harley Hog stuffed pig and a cool Harley writing pen. At a milestone birthday my sister wrote a poem attached to a motor cycle chocolate pop "Some kids Gram's have a cat or a dog... not our Gram, she rides a Hog..." It was precious! When she met Keith for the first time, he asked if he could see her tatoos. Another first time guest was prompted to ask if she could borrow her leather halter top. Ha ha ha... this little joke was out of hand and very funny. Like I said... she loved it too. She's the sole person who helped me pick out my wedding dress. She encouraged me to elope, but instead we took her with us. She cried when we wed... happy tears. When she declined in health, I would stop by and nearing the end of my visit I'd say "See ya later." Her reply "Don't be mad if you don't." She so looked forward to Heaven. When I got the call that she had passed I said "It's a beautiful day in Heaven today."

My Granny was a very special blessing. She is someone who shaped my life in ways I never knew until she was gone. In closing I will share some of her favorite words:

John 13:34 "Love one another."

Psalm 90:12 "Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom."


Marci said...

Oh Jenny, I am sitting here with tears on my face. What a tender and precious memory/blessing you shared. I am glad you had her in your life. Thanks for taking part in the Count Your Blessings Monday.

Unknown said...

That is lovely! Thanks for sharing. :-)