Saturday, July 07, 2007

The Lazy Organizer hosts a weekly discussion about Smart Habits. Click on the picture to read more about it and join in on this worthwhile quest.

So I should update on the success of my habit goals set for last week:

  • Drink primarily water and lots of it: Didn't do so swell. I do good in the morning, but in the midst of moving my office at work, things are in disarray... including my water-drinking habit.

  • Exercise daily, even if it is short: Did well this week. I set a goal of 20 minutes on the treadmill every morning. I like to set the goal low because then I don't feel bad if I can't do more than that. I can happily report that I walked no less than 25 minutes each day this week. YES!!! Additionally, I decided that a set of dumb bells belongs on the bottom stair leading to the 2nd floor. Each morning and evening I do some simple upper body strength training and a few squats before I go upstairs.

  • Do something to relax, even if it is also short: Hmmm... can't remember. This week hasn't been relaxing. Maybe tomorrow?

  • Eat more vegetables: Maybe I ate a few more? Not sure. I'll do better this week.

  • Clean one area of the house each day: I'm half way on this one. One day I cleaned the bathroom, another I cleaned the bedroom, and yet another I cleaned in the garage. It's coming... one spot at a time. If I do at least 20 minutes a day I'm happy with it.

This week I'm adding the following:

* Read at least 3 health related articles each day.

* Home cooked meals at least 3 times each week. Can you say "Crock Pot???"

* Morning devotionals Daily.

* Praise/Prayer during morning treadmill walks.

* Strength Training short-workout at the foot of the stairs - Morning and Night. (already a work in progress)


Rebecca said...

Great job on your habits! Even the ones that are in progress. Better in progress than completely ignored. Good luck on your new habits this week! Oh & I <3 my crock pot - well I used to. I need to start using it again.

Mrs. O said...

Great on the exercise thing. Just keep at the water, it will become second nautre soon.

Michelle said...

I'm impressed by your exercising! I'd love to own a treadmill. Good luck this week with all your habits!

Anonymous said...

Good job working on being healthy! It sounds like you are making progress.