Saturday, July 21, 2007

Why I Love Jesus

Sunrise over the ocean - Hilton Head, SC - April 2007

My new blogger pal Joy over at Joy In The Journey has tagged me to complete the "Why I Love Jesus" me-me. So without further adieu, here it goes in no particular order:

  1. Jesus meets me every morning. For as long as I can remember I have loved mornings. There is something about the freshness of each new day. Have you ever seen the beauty of the rising sun? Mornings mean that the day is new. It's time to start over... to do better than yesterday. With a glimpse of the sun I am reminded of how he comes forth from his chamber bringing light to the world in which I live. Psalm 19 reminds us "The spacious heavens declare the glory of the Lord." My Grandmother used to sing to me in the morning... "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it."

  2. Jesus is the perfect example. Would you like to converse with someone who has walked a mile in your shoes? God put himself in our shoes. Christ was born as a man and understands the limitations of such. He put himself before us in that he gave his life so we could one day enjoy life eternal in his presence. In our innermost relationships on Earth, especially marriage, we strive to put another's needs ahead of our own. Our human nature interferes and fills us with selfish needs, but Christ is anything BUT selfish. This is the example that God has demonstrated in the Trinity. The example is perfect.

  3. Jesus understands me. When we struggle, we seek the advice or consolation of one who 'understands.' Jesus came to Earth in the form of a man. He experienced life, temptation, and death in the most complex of forms. When we are struggling, we can rest assured that Jesus was there. He understands.

  4. Jesus took the nails for me. My imperfections abound. I am lazy. I am selfish. I make poor choices. These are only the beginning. Have you ever imagined the pain that your nails caused Christ? It's heart-wrenching to realize it. I'm ashamed to admit how painful my nails are and this is often what drives me to make positive changes.

  5. Jesus loves me. He didn't have to choose me. At times I feel so un-lovable. I am so blessed to have a relationship with him. Isn't it just like me to love someone who loves me first.

Oh, now am I supposed to tag some others to glorify God by telling us how they love Jesus... so here it goes:

My Mom at World of Jemit

Marci at Down On The Farm

Mrs. U at Making A House A Home

Marci at The Homespun Heart


Jemit said...

You can trek on over to my blog to see how I've responded to your challenge..

Monica Wilkinson said...

Hi! I found your tag! I did it yesterday as my sister had tagged me for the same one. Thanks! Monica