Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Blessings Monday

If you would like to join us in sharing our blessings, or even if you just want to read up on some other people's blessings (which is a blessing in itself), head on over to Marci's blog "Down On The Farm" to link up.

Brrrrrrrr... what a frigid morning. There is snow on the ground. It's been wet and C-O-L-D! I appreciate warmth of my home and what is there to provide it.... a furnace in working order, a husband with strong loving arms to embrace me, a stove to make hot water for tea, coffee, or cocoa, or... BLANKETS!

This week I am blessed by warm blankets. As the cold settles in here in Western PA, I find myself feeling satisfied snuggled deep down within the layers of multiple blankets in our comfy bed. Not everyone has this luxury. There are those near and far who lack such warmth, even from something as simple as a blanket.

My favorite blanket, and the one on the bed this week, is one that my hubby bartered for in Guatemala. I'll have to see if I have a photo to share. I'm not taking one this morning as Handy Hubby is still sleeping. Sorry - maybe later. For now... enjoy this photo of our kitty snuggled between two covers... the bottom one is the favorite one. You can see the color and how the panels of it are sewn together.

I realize that I am blessed to house and utilize multiple blankets in our home, especially compared to many areas of the world where blankets are not so easy to come by. I thank the Lord because He meets this simple yet profound need in my life... the need for warmth.

1 comment:

Marci said...

Blankets and warmth are a true blessing!!!! Thanks for taking part!!