Monday, March 24, 2008


My boss says I've got OCD
  • I have to make the bed before getting into it. I can't stand getting into an un-made bed. If I'm the last one up, I make it right away. If I'm the first one up... I'm usually the one making it at bedtime.
  • I eat my jelly beans one color at a time. I just realized that.
  • I do the same thing with M&Ms!
  • I wash the dishes in groups... all the plates together, all the cups together, all the silverware together.
  • I eat one entree at a time... all my veggies, then all my starches, then all my meat... and then drink most of my drink. Not always in the same order, but each part one at a time.
  • I wash my clothes by color... doesn't everyone? All whites, All Reds, All darks??? See, that's not weird!
I think I'm just orderly or organized, but he's got a point... I am a little compulsive at times.

1 comment:

Karen Hossink said...

Is there something wrong with eating your M&M's according to color? Ha!
I actually sometimes eat them "down" to an order. That is I'll eat them until I have two of every color left, then one of each...I wash the dishes like you too, but that's just orderly, isn't it? And the laundry? Clearly, that's common sense.
But one thing does bother me...For the truly "OCD" person, shouldn't we call it "CDO"? Because to have the letters out of alphabetical order is simply WRONG! LOL!!!