Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesdays With Jen... My Memoirs

<-- That's me and my bro' with our Gram'Ditties!

My sweet Granny's birthday would have been this week... Here is something from my journal in October 2003...

"Annabelle called this evening. She was with Grandma today. She said that Grandma talked about me a lot today and was obviously missing me. I called Grandma and made a dinner date for tomorrow night. I do miss her and am looking forward to seeing her.

Grandma said that Annabelle took her to Kings for lunch. They shared a meal and were quite satisfied. Then they went shopping at Giant Eagle. I suggested that she use a motorized cart, but she insists that she cannot drive. I told her that we could get her a portable wheelchair for these kinds of trips. She doesn't think that is necessary. I told her we could get some chrome on it and she replied "With Harley wings too?!" Jokingly of course. She said that on the way home they realized that they had forgotten to pay the bill at Kings!!!! Oh how funny! Annabelle took her home and then went back and paid the bill. What a day!"

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