Sunday, January 09, 2011

Saturday’s Savings & Meal Planning

I set out with my coupons and grocery bag collection with good intentions yesterday.  I had Girls Group Bible Study in the morning followed by several hours at the office for a special project.  I was just cleaning off my desk and about to head home when a friend and I decided to help another friend.  So…. by the time I made it to Rite Aid, they had changed all the sales tags and didn’t have the cereal that I was after.  I bought some clearance Christmas cards and a bag of cough drops, but not the rest of my list.  I was too beat to do my grocery shopping, which is fine b/c the sales don’t end until Wednesday there AND I can pick up gift-cards at church which helps the church building fund.  So it’s all good.


Quick thoughts about the menu for the week:

  • There is a quiche in the freezer!  YAY!
  • Pork – either BBQ chops or a roast in the crockpot
  • Cheeseburgers (need to use up the buns from last week)
  • Beef Stirfry
  • Pancakes
  • Soup (wildcard item)

I have enough salad makings to have salad every day of the week or for a snack.  I need to chop it and put it in my salad bowl for easy access.


My grocery list includes stockpile items (good deals + coupon and/or discount) and that’s pretty much it.  I have everything else already.  Yay!!! 

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