Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Marriage Monday - Honoring My Husband

Sorry to be late in posting this. I've got excuses, but I'll save them for the moment.

Fruit In Season's weekly "Marriage Monday" has evolved into a 30-day challenge to Honor My Husband. I have actually been thinking a lot on this topic lately, so this plays right into what's been on my heart of late. I love it!!! The Lord sure does have his ways of opening my eyes.

So the other night I said to Keith, "If you could suggest 2 ways in which I could honor you better, what would they be?" Why did I even ask? His humble reply indicated that I'm doing a fine job already. Ugh!!! That's not what I was looking for, but it was nice to hear him say that regardless. He tells me that I am supportive of his every whim, and that I meet his needs overall.

I caught myself getting annoyed with him early last evening. We were enjoying a nice long chat and the day was coming to a close. Just as we got up to head to bed, he starts with yet another 'story' and I was just thinking... save it for after we are ready for bed -- I'm tired of hearing about your work. I did not say this out loud, but my expressions showed it. Shame on me!!! I was disappointed in my acting on my annoyance when I should be cherishing those moments that we sit and chat like we did last evening. But my quest is to improve. I know I have lots of room for it.

I shall begin with opening my heart to grasp onto what my darling husband has to say. I admit, I sometimes have a short attention span. I enjoy a variety of topics in conversation. I sometimes am so swelled with what I have to say to him that I neglect to stop and listen to what he has to say... and to absorb it. This week I shall endeavor to absorb my husbands speech. I shall greet him pleasantly and listen intently to him - FIRST, instead of blurting out my own thoughts immediately. His thoughts will be the priority in our times together this coming week.

1 comment:

Amy... said...

Yes! This is along the same lines as one of mine, so I know where you're coming from.

Blessings to you in this challenge.


I'm posting challenge related topics at www.i-choose-you-joel@blogspot.com