Monday, July 09, 2007

Count Your Blessings Monday

Marci over at Down On The Farm hosts a weekly "Count Your Blessings Monday" discussion.

This Monday I'd like to share with you my niece who lives about 6 hours from me. Her name is Esther, but we call her Essie, and she is very special. I chose her because she has a birthday coming up this Friday. Oh how I wish I could drive out and surprise her, but alas, my job duties will prohibit such an adventure this particular weekend. (maybe another time)

Essie is not a prissy kind of gal. She is an animal lover. I took her for a special trip to the farm last fall and I understand that she was very impressed by it. She hugged ALL the animals!!! The horses, the goat, the doggies big and small, and she held as many kitties as would let her. There was one particular kitty named Chester who wanted to claim her for his own. Coincidentally she named one of her stuffed animals Chester. Ha ha ha... I wonder where she learned that?

On this trip I asked her "If you were to go out to lunch somewhere special, where would it be?" Fully expecting to hear "MCDONALDS" I was surprised at her response "Um... with you." Now how precious is that!!!! And oh how good that made me feel... the proud Auntie.

Essie is a lovely young lady. Her parents have taught her to be so polite and sweet. A few months ago I visited, and was privileged to join her for bedtime prayers. She thinks of EVERYTHING and EVERYONE when she prays... even "the man with the chickens." For more comments about Miss Essie's sweetness, see this former post. I dearly love her and am so blessed that she is my niece.

Happy Birthday Essie!

1 comment:

Marci said...

Happy Birthday Essie. Nieces are very special aren't they. She is adorable.