Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blessings Monday

If you would like to join us in sharing our blessings, or even if you just want to read up on some other people's blessings (which is a blessing in itself), head on over to Marci's blog "Down On The Farm" to link up.

This week I am grateful to have the blessing of our home. I admit, I am often not so grateful for our home. It is in need of many repairs and updates and I lean towards bitterness over whomever has walked off with my lovely bird-feeder and whomever it was that broke into my hubby's car and stole not just a few items, but the garage door opener! (don't worry - we have replaced it) We cannot have a clothes line, it's not allowed. The neighbors are close - very very close! We have to lock our door at night and when we are not home. We leave lights on even when we are not home, just so people will think that we are home. I do my share of whining about this place, but...

This home is God's belonging, as is all that we have. He has arranged particular circumstances to bring us to this place and for that I am grateful. Our landlord is a very lovely lady who overflows with generosity. Our rent is plenty affordable, which she has purposely arranged for us so that we may have extra funds for repairs and updates as are needed. We came here expecting to purchase this home, but have not yet taken the plunge. Debt is something we are trying to rid ourselves of at the moment. There will be a time when we will purchase a home, but it has been clear that this was not the Lord's will for us as of yet.

This morning we discovered a huge problem related to plumbing. The shower is leaking and thus the ceiling is dripping in the living room each time we shower. I am perplexed as to how we should handle this problem. Shall we call the plumber? Or see how much we can do ourselves first? Or just let the landlord decide? Pretty much we have handled any misc repairs except for the furnace since we have lived here. This comes at a time when we are trying to be so budget savvy in all areas. My car needs tires and we have some bills to pay and we were HOPING to go to North Carolina for Thanksgiving and PLEASE don't make us cancel this trip for the umteenth time. (another story in itself).

So today I found myself resenting my home, yet I have come to appreciate it regardless. There are many who have less than we have. There are homeless people in this world. How dare I be ungrateful!!! But as I've been so focused on contentment lately... I find myself simply happy to have a home. This is where the good Lord has placed me and I shall find the joy and purpose in it.

1 comment:

Marci said...

I have a similar situation with my house. Thanks for sharing, it makes me see that I need to be more thankful for my house.