Monday, March 10, 2008

Blessings Monday

Marcie, I hope you don't mind... I'm trying to pick up where I left off with Blessings Mondays!

So I was thinking this evening. My handy-hubby is at work and will be until late. Some days I really hate when he has to close the store every work-night for a week long stretch. That means that I don't get to see much of him.

Don't get me wrong... I love the company of my handy-hubby... BUT... sometimes it is a blessing to have an evening of peace and quiet at home ALONE.

Tonight I made dinner and took it to him. We shared about 20 minutes of chatter over dinner and then it was back to work for him and off to home for me. Though I can think of many things to do with company, I cherish this peaceful evening. I shall rest. I shall relax. I shall spend some time with God.

So this Monday I am especially thankful for my hubby's job... and how it creates some especially quiet time for me occasionally.

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