Wednesday, March 30, 2011

200 Mile Hiking Challenge: North Country Trail


Tammi and I logged another 6.52 miles of our 200 Mile Challenge for 2011.


This was the scene on the North Country Trail north of Moniteau High School.  There was some industrial type clearing for a large part of the trail.  We dodged “Prickery” and mud and crawled over brush and through thicket.  We were determined hikers. 


The destination was Vulture-Bear Rock.  We were certain that something lives IN the rock, or maybe it’s under the rock.  There was a bench on it where we stopped to rest before heading back.  There was a HUGE cliff off the rock.  Maybe some day we’ll hike beyond it?  We left figuring that the Sasquatch lives in the rock.  Ha Ha Ha…  or maybe the Grass Man?  Too funny!


So there you have it…  another few miles on our log.  It felt good despite my cold.  I can’t wait to go again.  Thanks Tammi!

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